Microstructure Analysis
- Optical Microscope
- Digital Microscope
- 3D Macroscope
- Optical Emission Spectrometer
- Metallography
Mechanical Properties
- Hardness
- Tensile / Compression / Bending Test
- Fatigue & Creep Tests
- In-situ based SEM Test
- Measurement of Residual Stress
Thermal Properties
- Thermography
Optical Measurement
- Control of Component Geometry (ATOS)
- Optical Forming Analysis (ARGUS)
- In-situ Control of Deformations & Strains (ARAMIS)
Machining Test Specimens
- Standard Test Specimen
- Non Standard Specimen
Heat Treatment Process
- Various Types of Furnaces
- Air, Protective Atmosphere
- Temperature Range: RT up to 1.200°C
- Various Heating Room Dimensions
Customized Tests
We offer wide-rang of services for material analysis and component testing for metallic and polymeric materials. In this matter, we cooperate closely with the University of Bayreuth. The top equipment of our laboratories and the experience of our employees enable us to perform cutting-edge analysis and testing procedures, including computer aided evaluation and post-processing.
The investigations can be conducted on specimen or components. For individual demands, it is even possible to develop new testing concepts.
The reproducibility of measurement results is very much dependent on the quality of the tested specimen. For the manufacturing of such standardized specimen, machineries such as a water-jet cutting system, are available.