Our performances

We are an independent, non-academic research institution for the development of novel material variants and associated energy-efficient processing methods in the field of lightweight construction for polymers, metals and composites. We provide sustainable, application-oriented solutions in order to optimize existing materials and production processes. For this purpose we provide a broad spectrum of services for material analysis and component testing.

Furthermore, we profit significantly from our highly modern machinery in industrial scale. It allows us to design quick and marketable solutions for the industry.

Our core expertise:

  • Polymers:
    Resource efficient lightweight construction by cellular and reinforced polymer materials
  • Composites:
    Materials and process development for fiber-reinforced thermoplastic composites
  • Metals:
    Future-proof solution based on innovative processes
  • Material analysis and component testing:
    Versatile service offers for analyzing and testing of metallic and polymeric materials, as well as components, in close cooperation with the University of Bayreuth.

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